Hi, I’m Back.

It’s only in retrospect that I’ve been able to process how these milestones have shaped me, and how I can be a resource to those about to embark on them, too.

Quarter Life Lessons

Age is a funny thing. Half the time I can’t believe I’m already 25. The other half of the time I can’t believe I’m only 25. If you’re in your 20s, you know what I’m talking about. We’re juggling a constant juxtaposition of being too old or too young. You’re already 25. Only five more … Continue Reading

20 Reasons Why Being in Your 20s is Hard

FOMO (Fear of missing out). Because according to your Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram feeds, everyone is doing something awesome right now (even if they aren’t). Sundays. Because the next day is Monday. And five days of deadlines, meetings and the feeling like you need to stop and reevaluate your life make you nauseous. #SundayFunday … Continue Reading


Once upon a time I was a little Catholic school girl. The day began and ended with a prayer, and Religion class was sandwiched between Reading and Math in the daily schedule. But the truth is, my Catholic education wasn’t so much defined by devout reflection and intellectual faith-based questioning, but rather what’s on the … Continue Reading

Internship Season

Ah, sweet summertime. It’s everything I’ve been waiting for since Mother Nature first teased me with a balmy 60-degree day of sunshine back in March. Right when I thought it was safe to pull out the sundresses and sandals, chilly Northern winds said otherwise, forcing me to remain trapped beneath layers of bulky wool sweaters, … Continue Reading